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My Daily Anxiety Battle Diary 5 (Seeking Solace in Connections) Today was a breath of fresh air amidst the storm of anxiety that's been clouding my days lately. I made a conscious effort to break out of my shell, reaching out to both friends and family for support. And you know what? It made all the difference. Reconnecting with Friends 👫 I can't stress enough how much chatting with my friends lifted my spirits today. It's incredible how just hearing their v.. 더보기
My Daily Anxiety Battle Diary 4 (Decluttering Chaos = Clearing Minds) As the soft rays of dawn filter through the curtains, I find myself waking up to a world transformed. Gone is the heavy fog of anxiety that shrouded my mind yesterday; in its place, a gentle sense of calm settles over me like a warm blanket. It's Saturday – a day brimming with promise and possibility, and I intend to seize it with both hands. 🌅😌 The familiar chirping of birds outside my window s.. 더보기
My Daily Anxiety Battle Diary 2 My first therapy Dum-dum~ Dum-dum~ Dum-dum. The rhythm of my heartbeat grows louder, echoing the frantic pace of my anxiety. It feels like I'm fleeing from a cheetah, struggling for breath with each pounding thud in my chest. Ever wake up feeling like an elephant decided to use your chest as its early morning stomping ground? 🐘 Well, that's precisely the sensation I faced today. Cold sweats, confusion, and an un.. 더보기
My Daily Anxiety Battle Diary 1 Vulnerability Turned Strength 👋 Hey there, fellow warriors! Welcome to my little corner of the cyberzone, where we're diving deep into the rollercoaster ride: ANXIETY. 🎢 I'm excited to embark on this journey with you and share the highs, lows, and everything in between. 🌈 Why am I here? Let me peel back the layers and give you a glimpse into why I decided to kick off this daily blog. I started this diary in Korean, but someo.. 더보기
Mind Matters: Keeping It Real about Mental Health Hey there, lovely readers! Let's talk about something super important – mental health. In a world that's go, go, go, taking care of your noggin is like giving your brain a big warm hug. Seriously, it's crucial for your overall well-being. So, buckle up, and let's dive into why mental health matters, what we're up against, and some chill tips to keep your mind feeling groovy. The Lowdown on Menta.. 더보기
