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Successful Korea Researcher E3 Visa Journey


Hey there, fellow expats! Today, I'm sharing my personal journey of applying for an E3 visa in Korea after completing my Ph.D. It's been a rollercoaster of emotions, excitement, and a few curveballs thrown in for good measure. So, grab a cup of coffee and join me as I spill the beans on my experience.


I was on a D10 visa for three months and that was the longest waitinggg period of my life. Mind you it was like a 5-stage limbo of waiting. 


1. Post-Ph.D. Limbo: The Job Hunt Begins 🎓🌍

After tossing my graduation cap into the air and celebrating the completion of my Ph.D., the reality of the job hunt hit me. Armed with my freshly minted degree, I set out to explore opportunities around the world. One day, a golden opportunity knocked on my door – a Post-Doc position at Seoul National University (SNU). My heart skipped a beat!

Art of waiting: Five stages


Act 1: The Initial Application Thrill 🚀🤞

Picture this: You've crafted the perfect resume, written a cover letter that could move mountains, and hit that "Submit" button with a mix of excitement and nerves. Now, the waiting game begins. A thrill of anticipation courses through your veins as you imagine the possibilities, but little do you know the rollercoaster ride that lies ahead.


Act 2: The Deceptive Silence 🤫🔇

Days turn into weeks, and weeks into a mysterious void of silence. You check your inbox religiously, hoping for that golden email to appear. But all you hear is the eerie sound of your disappointment echoing in the silence. It's like waiting for a concert to start, but the band is fashionably late, and you're stuck in the awkward silence of an empty venue.


Act 3: The Impromptu Dance of Doubt 💃🕺

As the waiting time stretches longer, doubt creeps in like an uninvited guest crashing your party. You find yourself questioning your qualifications, your choice of font on your resume, and whether you accidentally offended the hiring manager with your use of exclamation marks. It's a dance of doubt, and the music playing is a loop of "Did I do something wrong?"


Act 4: The Inbox Refresh Frenzy 🔄💻

In a desperate attempt to break free from the silence, you enter the dangerous territory of the Inbox Refresh Frenzy. Every ping on your phone raises your hopes, only to be crushed when it's just another promotional email or a LinkedIn connection request. You start to wonder if your email has joined a secret society that refuses to communicate with the outside world.


Act 5: The Grand Finale - Hallelujah, the Interview Email! 🎉✉️

Just when you're on the verge of composing a resignation letter to your dream Korean life, it happens. Your inbox lights up with the long-awaited interview invitation. Cue the confetti, the trumpets, and a victory dance that would put your high school prom moves to shame. You're not just getting an interview; you're winning back your sanity and emerging victorious from the waiting game.


2. The Excitement of Acceptance 🥳✨

Fast forward to the moment, I received the acceptance letter from SNU – I couldn't believe my luck! The prospect of working at one of Korea's most prestigious institutions filled me with joy. Without a second thought, I signed the contract, ready to embark on a new chapter in Seoul.


3. The E3 Visa Dilemma: Navigating the Paperwork 📄🤔

Reality struck when I realized that getting to Seoul wasn't as simple as packing my bags. The E3 visa process loomed ahead, and with it, a mountain of paperwork. Determined to overcome the bureaucratic hurdles, I rolled up my sleeves and dived into the visa application abyss.


4. The 1345 Helpline: My Lifeline in the Sea of Documents ☎️🆘

As the stack of paperwork stared back at me, I decided to seek guidance from the 1345 helpline – my lifeline in this sea of documents. A friendly voice on the other end patiently listed the required documents for the E3 visa. Brace yourselves; it's quite the checklist:


Checklist for E3 visa
  • 여권 Passport
  • 외국인등록증 Alien Registration Card
  • 수수료(자격변경 10만원 + 등록증 3만원) Fee (100,000 won for change of status + 30,000 won for registration card)
  • 통합신청서(별지 34호)  Spplication form (Attachment 34)
  • 표준규격사진 1매 1 standardized photo
  • 외국인 직업 및 연간소득금액 신고서 Declaration of alien occupation and annual income amount
  • 소득금액 증명원 Proof of income amount
  • 고용계약서 또는 임용예정확인서 Employment contract or appointment letter
  • 고용기관 설립관련 서류(사업자등록증 또는 법인등기사항전부증명서, 기업부설연구소인정서 등 연구기관 입증서류) Documents related to the employing organization (business license or full certificate of incorporation, proof of research institution)
  • 석사 이상의 학위증 Master's degree or higher
  • 체류지 입증서류 Proof of residence


5. The E3 Visa Odyssey: Navigating the Immigration Office 🏢🌐

Armed with this checklist, I made my way to the immigration office, ready for the E3 visa odyssey. The journey involved a series of queues, consultations, and a bit of waiting. But with every step, I could feel myself getting closer to my dream of joining SNU.


6. Embracing the Unknown: Additional Documents May Apply 🌌🤷

One thing to note: while the basic documents are listed, be prepared for potential curveballs. Additional documents may be requested based on your unique situation. It's a lesson in flexibility and adaptability – qualities that will serve you well throughout your international adventures.



The E3 Visa Victory Dance 💃🕺



After a whirlwind of paperwork, calls, and a touch of uncertainty, I emerged victorious with my E3 visa in hand.  Now, as I prepare to step onto the streets of Seoul, I can't help but feel a mix of nerves and excitement.

So, to all my fellow expats out there, embrace the paperwork, navigate the unknown, and dance your victory dance when you finally hold that visa in your hands. The journey is tough, but the experiences waiting for you on the other side make it all worthwhile.


Always be safe and 화이팅 (Hwaiting) on your E3 visa adventure! 🛫🌟


