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Korea Starter Pack: Thing I wish I knew before coming to Korea


Greetings, expats! As you gear up for an exciting journey to South Korea, there are a few insider tips that I wish I had known before setting foot in this culturally rich and diverse land. So, grab a cup of green tea, sit back, and let me walk you through the essentials.


1. Mastering Basic Korean: 🗣️

Before you pack your bags, consider packing some basic Korean phrases. Trust me; it's not just a language—it's a key to respect and connection. Picture this: arriving in Seoul without basic communication skills is like attempting to enjoy a thrilling K-drama without subtitles. Embrace the language, and you'll find yourself navigating Korea with newfound confidence and cultural understanding.


Why? Korea's cultural fabric is tightly woven with language. Knowing a few words can transform your interactions from transactional to warm and engaging. Locals appreciate the effort, and it makes daily tasks like ordering food or asking for directions much smoother.


2. Navigating with Kakao or Naver Maps: 🗺️

While Google Maps might be your go-to back home, in Korea, it's time to make way for Kakao and Naver Maps. These local navigation apps are your virtual compass through the labyrinthine streets of Korean cities. Why the switch? These apps provide more accurate and real-time information, ensuring you reach your destination without feeling like a lost protagonist in a K-drama.


Why? The intricate alleyways and unique addresses in Korea can be challenging for non-natives. Kakao and Naver Maps are designed with local nuances in mind, making them indispensable tools for seamless navigation.


3. Voltage Vexation: 🔌

Here's a power tip: pack an adapter! I REPEAT. PACK AN ADAPTER. Korea operates on 220 V, and finding an adapter can be trickㅛ. While Daiso might be your adapter haven, don't count on every store having them. Save yourself from the frantic search for power outlets by bringing your adapter.

Why? Your gadgets will thank you. Charging mishaps can put a damper on your adventures. Having a reliable adapter ensures your devices stay juiced up for capturing those picturesque moments and staying connected.


4. The Symphony of Silence: 🤫

Prepare to trade the hum of conversation for the soothing sounds of silence. In Korea, public transportation is a sanctuary of hushed whispers. It's not just about keeping your voice down; it's about immersing yourself in a culture that values tranquility. Answering your phone? Make it a silent ballet—swift and discreet.

Why? Silence isn't just golden; it's a cultural melody. The importance of quietude reflects a deep respect for personal space and a harmonious coexistence in public spaces.


5. Weather Whiplash: ☀️❄️

Korea's weather is a narrative with two extreme chapters—sweltering summers and bone-chilling winters. Picture the discomfort of a sauna-like summer day or the icy grip of winter. Dress accordingly and be prepared for a climatic rollercoaster.


Why? Your wardrobe should be as adaptable as a K-drama plot. Understanding the weather ensures you're comfortable while exploring vibrant streets or seeking refuge in cozy cafes during extreme conditions.


6. Camera Cautions: 📸🔕

 If you're buying a phone in Korea, be forewarned: silent camera mode isn't a feature. A sudden camera shutter in a quiet space is like a plot twist in a serene scene.

Why? Silent mode isn't just a photography preference; it's a courtesy to your surroundings. You'll avoid awkward glances in sacred spaces and bustling streets alike.


7. Age, Respect, and Social Hierarchy: 👴👶

In Korea, age isn't just a number; it's a social hierarchy. Respect for elders is a cultural cornerstone. Acknowledging age differences isn't a mere formality; it's a bridge to meaningful connections and smoother social interactions.


Why? Age dynamics shape social interactions. Understanding and respecting this cultural nuance fosters a deeper appreciation for Korean society and its rich traditions.


8. Dressing the Part: 👗

Leave the low-cut tops and short skirts in your suitcase. While your home country might embrace bold fashion choices, Korea leans towards modesty, especially among the older generation. Remember, what you see in K-pop videos isn't always the norm.

Why? Dressing appropriately isn't just about fitting in; it's a sign of cultural respect. Adapting your wardrobe ensures you're not inadvertently becoming the subject of curious gazes, especially from the older generation.


9. Spice Up Your Palate: 🌶️

Get ready for a flavorful adventure; Korean cuisine loves its spice. What locals consider mild might feel like a culinary firestorm to your taste buds. Embrace the spice, but keep a glass of water nearby for those unexpected heat waves.


Why? Exploring local cuisine is an integral part of any travel experience. Embracing the spice introduces you to the bold flavors that define Korean gastronomy.


10. Balance Work and Play: 🎉

They call it 워라밸 wo-ra-bael (Work, Life, Balance). If you're arriving as a student like me, especially a dedicated PhD candidate, here's a crucial piece of advice: don't forget to enjoy life. The rigorous academic pursuit can sometimes make you forget that life exists beyond books and research.


Why? Your time in Korea is more than a study abroad stint; it's an opportunity to immerse yourself in a vibrant culture, forge new friendships, and create lasting memories. Balancing work and play ensures a well-rounded and fulfilling experience.


As you navigate through the nuances of language, customs, and climate, may your experiences be as enriching as a well-scripted K-drama. Safe travels and savor every moment in the Land of the Morning Calm! 🌏✈️
